February 17, 2025

Work from Home? What Pains You?

 Do you work from home? Are you a solopreneur or small business owner? Are you thinking of becoming one?  Or are you working on a project that has a lot of meaning for you, but you’re not making much progress? If so, I’m reaching out to you.  I want to know what pains you—your frustrations, fears, challenges, all of the stuff that makes you want to pull your hair out, or even think, on a down day, that you’re not cut out for getting ahead.

I’m specifically thinking of issues over which you have some control, like managing time a little better, identifying what’s stalling your business, or doing something about your disorganized work space.  But let’s not talk about solutions yet.  If you could wave the proverbial magic wand, what problem or issue would you want to disappear?   

I’ll start.  Besides running Timeline Organizing Consultants, I do the accounting for my husband’s business.  I’ve also recently started an entrepreneurial venture with two friends; we’re inventing a product (strictly ssshh at this point.) I’m active in the local chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO) and Toastmasters.  Then, of course, there’s all the work that comes with running a home and caring for kids—the cooking, cleaning, chauffeuring, volunteering at school, homework, sports, all of it.  Plus, my daughter has multiple food allergies, including gluten, which requires vigilance and a stocked freezer of safe baked goods.

So, I’ve got a lot on my plate.  So do you.  So does most everyone these days.  I currently struggle with a lack of time (original, I know.)  There’s so much I want to do, yet not enough hours in the day.  A week passes so quickly, it’s frightening.  Lately, I’ve found myself doing the dishes at 11 pm, because perfectionist-me can’t leave them until morning, and I’ve been busy with any number of projects. It’s hard to close up shop when you live there.  But that’s not a sustainable routine for long.  I’m aware of burnout, and desperately want to avoid it. So, I suppose my magic wand would give me two hours of uninterrupted work time each day.

What about you? What pains you? Lack of time?  Lack of support? Reluctance to delegate? Inability to say no? Chaotic schedule? Chaotic space?  Let’s look at the problems, so we can focus on possible solutions.  Your responses will help.  So tell me, what pains you?